Home Foreclosure in Georgia | Jeff Kelly Law Offices

Home Foreclosure in Georgia

Stop Foreclosure Of Your Home In Georgia

Have you ever seen those movies where someone is about to drown and then at the last second, someone throws them a lifeline?  Could chapter 13 be your lifeline?  Chapter 13 stops the foreclosure of your home in Georgia.

All over America, people are fighting to keep their homes.  Circumstances that are way beyond any person’s control can cause economic hardship.  Loss of job, loss of overtime, cancer, heart attack, other medical emergencies, death of a family member, or divorce can put a person into an economic debt whirlwind.  You don’t have to let these circumstances control your life.  I can help you get legal relief so that you can regain control.

A chapter 13 can help you “Catch Your Breath”

A chapter 13 can help you in many ways.  It can stop foreclosures, garnishments, harassing phone calls, and car repossessions. In some Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases, you can completely eliminate your second mortgage.  Click here if you want more information about wiping out your second mortgage.

In a chapter 13, all the mortgage payments that are behind, along with any other debt owed, can be spread out over a period of time that allows you to catch up and save your house.  When all of the creditors are demanding that they be paid today, chapter 13 stops them in their tracks and allows you to catch your breath and come with a reasonable repayment plan.  In some cases, debts like credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped out completely in a chapter 13.

A chapter 7 can help you get a “Fresh Start”

We can also discuss chapter 7 during your free consultation.  In a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can wipe out almost all of your debt.  If your debt is secured by property, you can choose to make payments if you want to keep it or you can surrender it to the creditor and wipe out the debt.  It’s your choice.  Almost all debt, except certain taxes, student loans, and child support, can be wiped out in a chapter 7 which is why it is often called the “fresh start” provision of the Bankruptcy Code.  Come talk to me and find out the truth about chapter 7 protection.

Which is the best option for you?

Call me today at 706-295-0030.  We will meet and go over your income and expenses.  Just bring with you a list of your debts (including names, amounts owed, account numbers, and creditor addresses), your last two years tax returns, and as many of your recent paystubs as you can find.  Using this information, we will analyze your particular situation and decide what kind of plan is the best for you.  It won’t cost you anything to come to my office for a review of your situation.  I’m available Monday through Friday from nine to five and I take some evening and Saturday appointments but those time slots tend to fill up fast.

The worst thing you can do is ignore the problem.  Act Now!

Don’t wait until it is too late!  Once your house is foreclosed, it is gone forever.  To save your house with bankruptcy, you must have a case number before the house is foreclosed.

Many times, a well-meaning banker will tell consumers that they can refinance their house or get a loan modification to stop the foreclosure.  However, time goes by and the loan does not get approved or modified.  Right before the foreclosure date, the bomb explodes.  The banker says there is nothing they can do to help and the house gets foreclosed the next day.  Don’t let that happen to you.  Chapter 13 and chapter 7 are complicated.  There is a lot of paperwork and analysis that must be conducted before we know for sure that it will be a good option for you.  We must start as soon as possible so that we don’t run out of time.

Don’t wait until the last second to meet with a bankruptcy attorney. End of the month appointments get filled up fast.

Also, it is important for you to know that we don’t need the permission of your mortgage company or the foreclosure attorney to file a case.  The bankruptcy automatic stay stops the foreclosure of your home.  You must get a bankruptcy case number before the foreclosure takes place.  Don’t wait until it is too late!

A few months ago, I was meeting with a bankruptcy client from Dallas GA who was shocked that his house was foreclosed without him knowing about it.  The reason this happened was because his wife was trying to “protect” him from the stress by hiding the letters from the mortgage company and the foreclosure attorney.  For some strange reason, she did not take the letters seriously and did not notice that her house was being advertised in the Dallas News Era in the foreclosure section!  It is too bad she did not take advantage of a free consultation with a bankruptcy attorney.  If you have received threatening letters from a foreclosure attorney, bring them to my office and I will be happy to explain them to you.

You don’t have to let your house get foreclosed.  Call me today at 770.637.1756.


P.S.  If you have had a Chapter 13 bankruptcy dismissed within the past year, I must file a motion to extend stay to protect your house.  If you have had two Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases dismissed within the past year, I am not going to take your case because a motion to impose the stay must be filed and heard by the court before the foreclosure date.

Related Posts:

1. What is Chapter 13?

2. What is Chapter 7?

3. How much does it cost to file?

4. You better not try to wait until the last second to file bankruptcy!

5. How can I eliminate my second mortgage in bankruptcy?

6. Can I be taxed by the IRS after my house is foreclosed?

7. Should I file bankruptcy if I’m willing to let the house go?

8. What should I do if my house is underwater?

DISCLAIMER : The information contained on this page is for information only. It is not intended to be legal advice, nor should you make legal decisions based on this information. Please consult with me to see how the law applies to your particular situation. We are a debt relief agency. We help people obtain relief from their creditors by helping people file bankruptcy.

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