You must take a credit counseling class before you file any Chapter 13 or a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If any person files a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy without having first completed a United States Trustee certified Credit Counseling Class, the case will be subject to dismissal. It is absolutely imperative that the class […]
You can stop a student loan garnishment in a Chapter 13 if you plan on paying the entire student loan through your Chapter 13 plan. With few exceptions, student loans cannot be wiped out in a Chapter 13 or a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In addition to being protected from being wiped out in bankruptcy, the […]
If you are in a Chapter 13 case in the Northern District of Georgia, you can dismiss your case at any time. Your attorney will file a document with the court called a voluntary dismissal. Personally, I think it is a terrible idea in most cases to voluntarily dismiss a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. First, you […]
Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be a great solution for you to end your bill problems. Call today at 888-832-8249 for your free consultation. I would like to sit down with you and review your entire economic situation. Let’s see if we can come up with plan that works for you.
In Georgia, a wife cannot be held liable for a husband’s credit cards if she has never signed a contract with the credit card company. This question usually comes up after the husband dies and the wife finds out that the credit cards were never paid. When the bill collectors start calling, people usually panic. It […]
You can eliminate a second mortgage in a Chapter 13. You need to get an appraisal on your property before you file the case. Your property must be worth less than what you owe on the first mortgage in order to eliminate the second mortgage in your chapter 13.
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